How to Set Up Development Manager

After logging in to Development Manager for the first time, use the steps below to set up the application to meet your organization's needs. This topic guides you through changing the application's default settings, which should take only a few minutes to complete. Note that there are many ways to customize the application and that no change is permanent. If you determine that a particular setting does not work for your environment, you can always come back to the Settings page and change it.

 On the Home page, you can open the Settings page by selecting Settings in the side bar menu or by clicking the Go to Settings link at the bottom of the Settings card.

  1. Open the Settings page.

On this page, you can configure system properties to customize the behavior of the Development Manager application and select settings that determine how users interact with the application.

  1. Start on the Administration tab.

On this tab, you can configure settings for options that apply globally to pledges and batches. 

For detailed descriptions of the options on this tab, go to About the DM Settings Page#Administration_tab.

  1. Select the Lookups tab.

On this tab, you can manage lookup values appearing in lookup lists throughout the application. You can add new lookup values, edit existing ones, and delete those you no longer use. 

For detailed descriptions of the options on this tab, go to About the DM Settings Page#Lookups_Tab.


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