About the DM Settings Page


The DDM Settings page contains options you can set to configure both the behavior of the Development Manager application and preference settings that determine how users interact with the application.

The illustration below identifies the main tabs on the DM Settings page. Click a link to view a detailed description of the information on the tab.


Breadcrumbs are the navigational trail that lets you know where you are now as well as each page you visited before arriving at the current page. The breadcrumb trail reads from left to right, with the link farthest to the left showing the Home page and the links after it showing each page you visited since leaving the Home page.

Each page shown in the breadcrumb trail is a link. Click a link to go directly back to the named page. In the breadcrumb trail illustrated below, the user is currently on the DM Settings page:

Clicking Home takes the user directly back to the Home  page.

Administration Tab

Click Administration to display the Administration tab. This tab is has two main sections:

DM Options

The options in this section are used to configure the Development Manager application. Use the checkboxes to enable or disable options. When a checkbox is selected, it appears as checked and the option is enabled. Note that some options are pre-selected by default. You can deselect (disable) them by clicking your mouse inside the checkbox.

Options in the DDM Options group are listed below. Click the arrowhead next to an option to expand it and view its description. 

Only Batch Owner Can Modify Pledges in BatchOnly Batch Owner Can Modify Pledges in Batch

The person who initially creates a batch is considered the rightful owner. This option has two settings:

 A user with DDM Administrator access rights can override this option and change pledges in a batch.

Pledge Management - only show OBO Parishes with goalsPledge Management - only show OBO Parishes with goals

Controls whether the OBO (On Behalf Of) Parishes list in pledge entry includes only the names of parishes that have goals configured.

This option has two settings:

 If you limit the OBO Parishes list to show only those organizations that have goals but you need an organization that has no goals to be included in the list, you can add the desired organization to the list by specifying a zero-dollar goal.

Reset Appeal Code in Pledge Screen for every new PledgeReset Appeal Code in Pledge Screen for every new Pledge

Controls whether the system displays a default value in the Appeal Code list for each newly created pledge.

This option has two settings:

Display Start Date for Pledge EntryDisplay Start Date for Pledge Entry

Displays the Start Date field in pledge data entry. The start date is the date when the pledge formally begins (for example, January 1, 2021 for pledges covering the calendar year 2021).

Display End Date for Pledge EntryDisplay End Date for Pledge Entry

Displays the End date field in pledge data entry. The end date is the last date that payments can be posted to the pledge.

Allow Multi-Pledge ImportAllow Multi-Pledge Import

Controls whether the system allows import files to contain multiple pledges for the same family, fund, and organization. This option has two settings:

Show Donor ReportsShow Donor Reports

Controls customer access to the Donor Reports module and, as a result, visibility of donor reports. This option has two settings:

Parish Refunds - show negative refundsParish Refunds - show negative refunds

Controls whether negative refunds appear in Parish Refunds. This option has two settings:

Parish Reports Fund Org dropdown listParish Reports Fund Org dropdown list

The dropdown list contains the names of parishes. Select the parish that owns the funds for Parish Reports.

Parish reports fund organization

Batch Management 

The options in this section are used to set up options that govern batch control in Development Manager application. Use the checkboxes to enable or disable options. When a checkbox is selected, it appears as checked and the option is enabled. Note that some options are pre-selected by default. You can deselect (disable) them by clicking your mouse inside the checkbox.

Options in the Batch Management group are listed below. Click the arrowhead next to an option to expand it and view its details. 

Require Contribution BatchesRequire Contribution Batches

Controls whether all contributions entered into Development Manager must be entered by batch to be sucessfully saved.

This option has two settings:

Require Pledge BatchesRequire Pledge Batches

Controls whether all pledges entered into Development Manager must be entered by batch to be sucessfully saved.

This option has two settings:

Allow multiple funds per batchAllow multiple funds per batch

Controls whether a batch can contain pledges or contributions for different funds.

This option has two settings:

Allow OBO changes even if batch is closedAllow OBO changes even if batch is closed

This option has two settings:

Batch Posting - Enable Check # field by defaultBatch Posting - Enable Check # field by default

A global control that determines whether the Check Number field is displayed and included in the Tab key sequence for contribution posting for all newly created batches.

 This option sets the default display of the Check Number field for new batches. You can override the global setting when creating a new batch. In other words, you can enable the display of the field here but select not to display the field when you create a specific batch.

This option has two settings:

Batch Posting - Enable Memo field by defaultBatch Posting - Enable Memo field by default

A global control that determines whether the Memo field is displayed and included in the Tab key sequence for contribution posting for all newly created batches.

 This option sets the default display of the Memo field for all new batches. You can override the global setting when creating a new batch. In other words, you can enable the display of the field here but select not to display the field when you create a specific batch.

This option has two settings:

Batch Posting - Default Contributions Default Family lookupBatch Posting - Default Contributions Default Family lookup

This dropdown list contains four options. Each option represents the default lookup value that can be displayed to users when they search for families during the contribution posting process. From the list, select the option you want to set as the default lookup for searches. The option you select appears in ???

Lookups Tab

On this tab, you can manage lookup values appearing in lookup lists lists throughout the application. 

Choose a lookup list to manageChoose a lookup list to manage

This dropdown list contains options representing the lookup lists in the application. Select the lookup list whose values you want to manage. 

 Release 1.0 of Development Manager provides only one lookup list to manage: Contribution Type. Future releases will give you the ability to manage other lookup lists in the application

Contribution Type Lookups

On this page, you can manage lookup values for contribution types that users can select (from the Contribution Types dropdown list) when adding pledges and contributions to the system. You can add new lookup values, edit existing ones, and delete those you no longer use. 

The elements used to define and manage lookup values are listed below. Click the arrowhead next to an element to expand it and view its description. 

 (Add Lookup) (Add Lookup)

Click this button to add a new contribution lookup value. Enter information into the Name and Code fields and, if desired, select the Active checkbox.

 (Edit) (Edit)

Click to edit details for a lookup value.

Name fieldName field

Type a descriptive name for the Contribution Type lookup in this field. After you save the lookup value, the name you provided appears in the list on this page and in the dropdown lists in the application.

Code fieldCode field

Type an abbreviation for the Contribution Type lookup. For example, you could type "Amex" for American Express or "MC" for Mastercard.

Active checkboxActive checkbox

Select this checkbox to make the Contribution Type lookup value visible to users so they can select it from the Contribution Type dropdown list during pledge and contribution entry. If you do not want users to see the lookup value, leave the checkbox blank. 

 The Active checkbox control can be quite helpful when setting up a lookup list. If you don't want users to immediately see a particular lookup value, leave the checkbox blank. When you are ready to give users the ability to select the value during pledge and contribution entry, select the checkbox and save the lookup to make the lookup visible.

 (Save) (Save)

Click this button to save a new lookup value or to save edits to an existing value. 

 (Undo) (Undo)

Before saving information entered for a lookup value, you can click this button to remove what you typed. You can also click this button to exit Edit mode. 

 Delete Delete

Click to remove a lookup value from the list. The system also removes the lookup value from the associated lookup list in the application.


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© April 9, 2020 ParishSOFT LLC, all rights reserved. ParishSOFT grants licensed users the right to unlimited duplication of this publication for internal use only.